Monday, March 16, 2009

Yeah. Whoa.

Okay, so I am new to this whole blogging thing. I was so excited to see if people had actually checked this out and was so happy when I saw that a few of my friends had posted comments (thanks guys). So I followed the links to their blogs and um, wow. Yeah. Wow. They are amazing. Okay, so which one of you girls is gonna come over to my house (post surgery of course) and SCHOOL me??!! (Cathy?)

On a different note, I write this post late(ish) Monday night. Tomorrow I will be meeting with the team of doctors and nurses that will be helping Luke. I feel like I am standing on the edge of a cliff about to jump or rather be pushed. Everyone keeps saying it'll be okay and that makes me wonder if they are looking at the same drop that I am. Ah, blessed perspective. If I pull back, my view does change and I can see the "big picture". But honestly, this isn't a "big picture" moment for me. I need to focus and keep looking at the here and now for Luke. Just like with every other big event in my life, I know this will be over before I know it and I'll blink and he'll be 2. I am so glad to be dealing with all of this in this season of my life, having had some years of experience under my belt. I am wise enough to know that I really don't know much. All I do know is I love my little Downs boy so much that it hurts at times, that this will be over soon and that I really shouldn't write incoherrent (does this thing have spell check?!) posts when I am sleep deprived....

Who's ready to watch some cliff diving?

1 comment:

  1. I just keep thinking about the gift you were given to "be prepared" and how you are prepared for everything that is ahead of you because you know how to love with all your heart and TRUST. God bless! We looove you!
